Annual Events
From the All-American Celebration to the Worlds Largest Matanza
The City of Belen offers a wide array of events and festivals, celebrating everything from traditional holidays to community charity. You can also view all of our upcoming events here.
MLK, Jr. Remembrance - Belen Public Library - MLK, Jr. Day
World's Largest Matanza - Eagle Park - Last Saturday in January (Date may vary)
St. Patrick's Day Balloon Rallye - St. Patrick's Day Weekend
Hub City Egg Hunt - Saturday the week before Easter
Kite Festival - Eagle Park - Saturday, April 11th, 2026 (Date will vary)
Memorial Day Event - Veterans Memorial - Memorial Day
All-American Celebration - Eagle Park - Saturday before July 4th
Our Lady of Belen Fiestas - Date Varies
Valencia County Fair - Valencia Cty Fairgrounds - Date Varies
9/11 Remembrance - 9/11 Memorial - September 11th
Rio Abajo Becker Street Festival - Last Saturday in September
Scarecrow Festival - Becker Ave. - Date Varies
Nightmare on Becker - 513 Becker Ave. - Date Varies
Veterans Day Ceremony - Veterans Memorial - Veterans Day
Miracle on Main St. - Main St. & Becker Ave - Second Saturday in December